
Japan-Thailand Veterinary Incorporation Conference, Tokyo, Japan


Japan-Thailand Veterinary Incorporation Conference

By Scarecrow Inc. and T.J. Animal Health Co., Ltd.


Date 22 March 2023

Venue Excel Hotel Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan

The Japan-Thailand Veterinary Incorporation Conference was held for the veterinary practice between Thailand and Japan. There were 40 veterinaries from both countries participated. It started with the LPS challenge project in Thailand. The veterinarian who won the top 3 prices in Thailand came to share their clinical trial with Japan veterinary. Besides LPS, there is the sharing of other product ingredient information and clinical trial. It consisted of Pinfenon S and IPET S which are both from Thailand and Japan. The conference session is detailed below;

 Morning Session: The foundation of LPS and Clinical trial in Thailand

Afternoon Session: The foundation of Pinfenon S, and IPET S and the clinical trial from Thailand. In addition, there is the sharing of the using Scarecrow Inc. Products in Japan.

Furthermore, this conference was reported in 「Food Chemistry Newspaper」in Japan as well.






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