An experience involving taking supplements for a year! (Shiba Inu)

These are the troubles experienced by Pakki, a Shiba dog who has persevered in taking Pinfenon and Eferin for a year.
●Faxed message of September 3, 2007

Thank you for all your help.
This is from Pakki Akimoto's owner.

He has been taking Pinfenon and Eferin for a year, and they have somehow managed to keep his dementia and cataracts from worsening.
He also manages to take walks, and we go out briefly morning and night (15 to 20 minutes) without his having too much trouble.

Last night, his intermittent howling kept us from sleeping from 2:00 to 4:00 A.M.

So I would like to increase the dosage of Pinfenon,
but what would be the upper limit for it?

If there is some better way to give it , please let me know.