Shiba Inu - Seems young again!

They say that many Shiba Inu are afflicted with dementia.
This is a letter reporting that Pinfenon and Eferin are responsible for their healthy condition.

Pakki, male, fourteen years old, 8.5 kg

Shiba Inu suffering from a slipped disk

●How long has he been taking Eferin?
From September to November of 2006, and I am giving it to him now.

●How much do you give him each day?
Two pills once a day

●What other supplements did you give along with the Eferin?
Two pills of Pinfenon once a day and ½ pill of Pro Motion 700 (a supplement for the joints)

●Please tell us the impression you received after giving it.
After being told by the Eferin monitor in September, I gave Pinfenon along with it and as a result, my dog's condition improved!
He seemed rejuvenated, so during the year-end campaign, I ordered 3 bottles of Pinfenon and 1 of Eferin and am still using them.

They say that many Shiba Inu are afflicted with dementia, but thanks to my giving him both Pinfenon and Eferin, those symptoms have not made their appearance. On the contrary, he seems to have gotten 4 or 5 years younger and even romps around. At present I have three bottles of Pinfenon and would like to use Eferin with it. Don't you have a special campaign for Eferin?