Shiba Inu(Slipped disk)In great condition!


This message tells about a thirteen-year-old Shiba Inu (weight: 8.5 kg), whose slipped disk is now in great condition, thanks to taking both Pinfenon and Eferin.

He moves as if he were 4 or 5 years younger!

"No matter what you are doing, keeping at it is what makes you strong."
This is the reward for Pakki and his owner's 4 months of effort.


●Message of August 8, 2006 - About a problem

Due to a slipped disk (in the latter part of May), he began to have trouble walking and started having treatments using Magspin (a magnetic treatment) and lasers every 5 days.

I gave him a joint formula supplement (Pro Motion), as well as a steroid-type medicine (100mg from the hospital. I began giving him Pinfenon on July 26, and since his walking began to improve yesterday, I want to keep giving it to him a little longer.


●Message of September 20, 2006 - About a problem

Latter half of May: Treated for a slipped disk at the hospital, using a magnetism treatment (Magspin) and laser.

June: Hospitalized for 1 week with vomiting, diarrhea, and a worsening of liver function. Received treatments for his joints at the same time.

When he left the hospital (June 9), I was given a joint supplement for him, Pro Motion.
August 14: I began to give him Pinfenon to retard the progress of his cataracts and to prevent dementia.

At present, he is able to walk almost normally, and I find it hard to keep up with him because he can run and jump around like a rabbit before he has a bowel movement."

I have only been giving him Pinfenon for 1 month, so I can't say for sure; but I am going to keep giving it to him for 3 months more, so please continue to give me your support.


●Message about his improvement, December 27, 2006

I am the person who wrote you about my dog's current condition in September, when I was an Eferin monitor.

When doing Eferin monitoring, I gave him 2 Pinfenon pills in the morning and then 2 Eferin pills after his evening meal, before going to bed. His condition was greatly improved and I feel he is acting 4 or 5 years younger.

He had a regular check-up in September and it was found that his heart was a bit weak (probably due to his age), and his cataracts were a little worse, but I am hoping that these problems can be controlled by giving him Pinfenon.

I feel that he is also becoming a bit hard of hearing, but I am expecting some good results from Eferin for that, too.