Shih Tzu, Cute letter from Kenta-kun (keratitis) (*^_^*) No.3

The orders that are faxed in by cute Shih Tzu Kenta's owner always have his picture on them. Kenta is fifteen years old; hang in there, Kenta!
He is leading a quiet life.
The other day, he had such a bad case of keratitis that he couldn't open his eyes.
(It seems that a corner of the bamboo blind by the window went into his eye and injured it.)
As a cataract has spoiled the vision in his left eye, his field of vision couldn't be worse.

At the time, I used eye drops (Trypsin, Siklode, Atropine) and a steroid, but as the condition didn't improve, I later switched to an antibiotic.

The day I gave it to him, he vomited it up and began coughing in the middle of the night.
(Though such a thing had never happened before.)
I'm worried that a strong medicine also might cause serious damage to/be seriously harmful to an elderly dog.

I have taped pieces of sponge to the chairs, door, and posts in my room to guard against their hurting his eyes. Does keratitis take time to heal?