Labrador Retriever - Allergies looking good!

We received a letter about Pinfenon from someone who has two big dogs and a cat.
,strong>Golden Retriever - 10 years and 10 months old, male, 33 kg, name: Roo
Labrador Retriever - 10 years and 4 months old, female, 25 kg, name: Em
Maine Coon mix - 9 years old, male, 8 kg

●When did you begin to notice it taking effect?
One month after starting to give it to them.

●Pinfenon dosage
3 pills given twice a day

●Other medications being given in addition to Pinfenon
Boma Zeal, vitamin B1

●Your impressions after giving Pinfenon
Roo: I started giving it to him after his cancer (angiosarcoma) was removed,
and I have the feeling that he is somewhat more lively. He is having chemotherapy now.
Em: Although she's a dog, she has to eat a special diet as part of her treatment; but she is extremely good at snatching bits of food. It was upsetting that she couldn't get rid of her allergic symptoms. But now, a month after starting to give her Pinfenon, I can see that she is gradually getting better.