Again! Shih Tzu again saved from heart disease (heart valve insufficiency)

It seems to work for Shih Tzus with heart disease. See another case here.
"A Shih Tzu with heart failure is so much better that she is jumping around!"

This is a report about the amazement felt by the vet who saw her today.

~Message of May 30~

Seven-year-old female Shih Tzu, 6.2 kg

I just got her one month ago.
In January, she had been diagnosed with heart valve insufficiency and also had allergies.
I heard about Pinfenon and--Pardon my writing this--thought it might have some value in making me feel better, whether or not it worked.
I gave it to my dog just as suggested, two pills, both morning and night.

I haven't told the veterinarian, for fear of creating a bias in his mind.

When I went to get some filaria medicine the other day, he listened to the dog's heart with the stethoscope without looking at her chart, but appeared unable to hear a heart murmur. With that, as the examination was ending, I got worried and asked what he had found, he was amazed, saying, "I didn't find anything!"

I repeated my question more carefully, and he said that there did seem to be a murmur, but hitherto, he had always tilted his head and made a grimace when listening to the sound of her heart, and this time he was nodding in a very cheerful manner.

I attribute this to Pinfenon, too, and I am very happy!

I haven't noticed much improvement in her allergies yet, but plan to go on giving it to her and in the hope of getting good results.