French maritime pine polyphenol is extraordinarily effective! Message from a university professor

We have heard from Professor Matsuzaki of Dokkyo Medical University, whom we already held in respect.
Here is the Home Page of the Oncology Society of Japan.

Mr. Okawa:
I would like to try French maritime pine polyphenol on my elderly dog. He/She has a tumor and disturbs us at night by barking due to the pain.
I have tried various things, but have been unable to ease the pain, and if things go on this way, I have no hope of keeping him/her alive until the end of the year.

~A more recent report~
Mr. Okawa:
Thank you for sending me "the French maritime pine polyphenol" .
Today I immediately began giving the product made for animals to our elderly dog.
He/She weighs about 10 kg, and I am giving him/her one pill each morning and night.

Should I increase the dosage?

He/She has a facial tumor and seems to be experiencing abdominal pain, so I suspect a cancer of the digestive tract.

He/She has become very weak, and I don't know whether he/she will live out the year.
His/Her fur is in poor condition, and he/she just totters along when taken for a walk.
He/She is already fifteen years old, and I hope to keep him/her alive until New Year's Day. (Next year is the Year of the Dog.)

I will let you know how things are going.

~The next message~
Mr. Okawa:
Thank you for letting me know about the dosage for French maritime pine polyphenol. I will try the suggested amount and observe the results. Have a happy New Year.

~The next message~
Mr. Okawa:
I appreciate having had your support during this past year.
I have been giving our dog two pills of French maritime pine polyphenol, morning and night.
I was afraid that he/she would weaken and die by the end of the year, but he/she is still well.
When I come home in the evening, he/she barks in a very lively way to get me to take him/her for a walk.
He/She is fifteen years old, which makes him/her over seventy in human terms, but it looks as if he/she may live awhile longer.
Thank you for your great food for special dietary use.
Please help me in the coming year as well. Have a happy New Year.

~The next message~
Mr. Okawa:
It's a shame that we were unable to meet at Yokohama Pacifico.
I have continued giving our dog French maritime pine polyphenol, and it has been tremendously effective.
He/She was terribly weak, so I was thinking that he/she would not survive until the end of December in the cold weather we are having this winter. However, he/she has become healthy again and is livelier than ever.
I am still worried, though, that he/she is not completely cured because his/her fur is stll in poor condition.
My thought is that if his/her fur undergoes normal shedding when the warm weather arrives, that will be a good sign.
If I had used the assessment method presented by Dr. Kadosawa at last year's "Open Seminar on Cancer", I would have a numerical record of his/her improvement. As it is, it is an imperfect evaluation of the effects, but I wouldn't mind your including it in your blog.
One could expect that if owners knew what pet illnesses can be helped by the supplement, more of them might use it, and I think it would be great if it had the same striking effectiveness in humans.

Shigeru Matsuzaki