Improvement seen in inflammation of the outer ear and dermatitis. French maritime pine polyphenol worked!

Here is another message that we were very happy to receive today from an owner in Chiba Prefecture!

Seven-year-old mixed breed female, 15 kg.

She would suffer from inflammation of the outer ear, dermatitis, and so on, when the seasons changed, especially when the humidity was high; so the owner was giving her two pills of French maritime pine polyphenol twice a day.

Four or five days after she began taking it, we received a phone call saying that she was having diarrhea and bloody stools, and asking whether the French maritime pine polyphenol might disagree with her constitution. We had the owner stop giving it to her for a while and then start again, this time only one pill a day.

※ In some cases, a cleansing reaction (such as itching) is observed.

We later received another call saying that the diarrhea and bloody stools had been unrelated to the French maritime pine polyphenol.
She was now taking the original dose of two pills, twice a day, and her owner wanted to thank us. This year, the inflammation in her outer ear and the itching on her abdomen, feet, and anus, which had troubled her every year in March, has greatly diminished, thanks to French maritime pine polyphenol.

We are so happy that the French maritime pine polyphenol has helped!