Top >What is IPET?

Containing the vitamins, minerals and nutritional ingredients essential for maintaining optimum health.

【Health supplement for animals】

【Product name】IPET-S
【Ingredients】 dextrin, Taheebo extract, yeast extract, sucrose fatty acid ester, silicon dioxide (fine)
【Content】 Approx. 9 g (150 mg × 60 tablets)
【Evaluation tests】 Acute oral toxicity test, Mutagenicity test, Chromosomal aberration test, Eye irritation test, Primary skin irritation test, Skin hypersensitivity test, Phototoxicity test, Skin photosensitization test,
Long-term ingestion test


Up to 10 kg

Up to 20 kg

Up to 30 kg

30 kg or more

Recommended dosage

2 to 4 tablets

4 to 6 tablets

6 to 8 tablets

8 tablets or more 

Safety proven by veterinary medicine specialist universities!!


Research & development Michio Fujita, Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University Shigehisa Tsumagari, Masato Kuwabara, College of Bioresource Sciences, Nihon University Data from 2,000 veterinary clinics throughout Japan




Our products for humans and animals are made in the latest production facilities and to the highest standards of health and safety. Taheebo extract has passed the following tests:
■ Presentations at academic conferences and papers (partial listing)
■ 1989 up to the present
■ Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cancer Association
■ American Association for Cancer Research
■ AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research
■ The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
■ Japan Mibyou System Association
■ Society for Integrative Oncology
■ Joint Conference of the American Association for Cancer Research and the Japanese Cancer Association
■ Journal of Biotherapy
■ Journal of New Remedies & Clinics
Acute oral toxicity test
Mutagenicity test
Chromosomal aberration test
Eye irritation test
Primary skin irritation test
Skin hypersensitivity test
Phototoxicity test
Skin photosensitization test
Long-term ingestion test
A new ingredient protecting human and animal lives
“A plant pigment attracting increasing attention from a physiological point of view””

Small chips of the inner bark are processed to collect the patented Taheebo extract
(Carefully selected natural ingredients containing Taheebo)

The natural pigment quinone containing the essential component (patented ingredient) is found in the Taheebo tree; this patented ingredient is known to have a very beneficial effect on maintaining health.

What is Taheebo’s health giving ingredient?

A research group led by Kyoto University discovered a new compound among the naphthoquinone pigments, which analysis revealed to be a useful ingredient.


Taheebo has been granted a substance patent in four countries

It is scientifically confirmed that the Taheebo tree contains the useful ingredient “2-(Hydroxyethyl)-5-hydroxynaphtho[2,3-b]furan-4;9-dione.” After extensive research, a substance patent as an ingredient has been granted in four countries: Japan, the United States, China, and Taiwan.

Containing 2-(Hydroxyethyl)-5-hydroxynaphtho[2,3-b]furan-4;9-dione

Taheebo contains a scientifically proven balance of vitamins, minerals and nutritional ingredients essential for maintaining optimum health.
※Fiber, carbohydrate, fat, tannin, minerals
Taheebo is a 100% natural ingredient
● A mysterious tree and the revival of an ancient secret
The Amazon River basin, one of the last unexplored regions on earth is home to a tree known by the indigenous people as “God’s blessings.” For over 1500 years, generations of natives have revered this wonderful tree and harvested the inner bark to benefit from its health giving properties. Modern science has revealed the mystery of this health giving tree to be an ingredient known as Taheebo extract.
● This invaluable tree cannot be artificially cultivated
The Taheebo raw materials are harvested from the Tabebuia avellanedae species in the Bignoniaceae family. Taheebo extract contains no impurities or additives and is made from 100% natural ingredients using only the 7 mm thick layer of inner bark.
Click here to read presentations on IPET given at conferences